Answers to your questions about social security disability.

Social Security Disability: Benefits under the Act explained. Information about claims for disabilities before the Social Security Administration.

I am an attorney working in North Carolina and South Carolina, but this site provides a forum that answers questions about disability laws for disabled people without lawyers, in whatever state they live.

This site is a fairly complete source of information for the disabled about Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, and the Social Security Administration's related programs.

We have information on Worker's Compensation, but only as that law applies in South Carolina. Most disability law, including Social Security Disability and SSI, is he same all over the country, but Worker's Compensation law varies from state to state.

We also provide limited information on financial survival, long term disability insurance, and medical assistance while you wait for benefits to start. This site will be some help to anyone who has any sort of disability problem.

I am Paul McChesney. I have been handling Social Security disability claims, Supplemental Security Income, or SSI claims, and long term disability, or LTD claims, for people living in North and South Carolina, and worker's compensation claims in South Carolina, since 1979, and am Social Security Disability Board Certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Since I have been practicing law, my clients and I have together been searching for the best answers we could find to questions that are important to the disabled. On this website, I have shared what we have found. I have tried to give simple, straightforward answers or to tell plainly where the answer is not clear.

Here are the ways to find those answers using this site:

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I hope this website makes a difference in your life; if it does please stop a minute and think what you can contribute:

  • Stop a second and tell us something that might help someone who is disabled. Just click here and type a few lines. Most disabled people have learned things that will help others. Do you know even one small thing that might help someone else? A good clinic in your area, a website that has helped you, a way to get through a hard day? Don't be shy or modest or too focused on self or leave this off just because you think no one from your home town who might need to know about the clinics there will ever visit this site; they probably will, actually. Just slop something out and you might change someone's life. I will move it around so that it is easy for others to find.
  • Or, become a regular and help out. We want to build a community of people who share concerns about related problems. If you have any special knowledge or experience in these areas, or in any related area, and are willing to share that knowledge with this community, please do to contact me and I will explain how you can help. Attorneys and health care providers are invited to share the work and benefit of responding to inquiries, though please talk with me a bit before attempting this; and those with impairments are invited to share their experiences. If you have a little time, you can help search for helpful websites. To discuss administration of this website, please click here.

Here we must get a little tough, and we really mean this: We want to be helpful, and we do this without charge. In return, please rely on the contents of this website to the same extent you have paid for it. We will talk to you in person to give you advice that is current, accurate, and applies to you. Please click here for the formal, legal disclaimer, WHICH YOU MUST READ BEFORE YOU GO TO ANY OTHER PAGE ON THIS WEBSITE.

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 • Medicare and Medicaid
 • Short Term Disability
 • Long Term Disabilty
 • Workers' Compensation

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 Disability Forum

 Answers About
 • How to Prove Disability
 • How to Apply
 • When to Apply
 • Should I Apply
 • How Long It Takes
 • Speeding it Up
 • How Much I Get
 • Attorneys

 About Benefits for
 • Disabled Adult Children
 • Aliens
 • Children of the Disabled
 • Dependent Parents
 • Ex-spouses
 • Spouses
 • Citizens Living Abroad
 • Unmarried Couples
 • Children and Teens
 • People over 50
 • The Poorly Educated
 • The Well Educated

 Social Security Disability  If you have
 • AIDS or HIV
 • Alcohol or Drug Abuse
 • Arthritis
 • Back Problems
 • Breathing Impairments
 • Cancer
 • Carpal Tunnel
 • Chronic Fatigue
 • Cirrhosis & Hepatitis
 • Deafness
 • Dequervain's Disease
 • Diabetes
 • Difficulty Standing
 • Difficulty Sitting
 • Difficulty Walking
 • Eating Disorders, PKU
 • Essential Tremor
 • Fibromyalgia
 • Hand Problems
 • Headaches
 • Heart Conditions
 • Inability to Attend Work
 • Inability to Drive
 • Incontinence
 • Interstitial Cystitis
 • Joint or Bone Problems
 • Lupus
 • Meniere's Disease
 • Mental Problems
 • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
 • Narcolepsy
 • Parkinson's Disease
 • Post Polio Syndrome
 • Pregnancy
 • Quadriplegia
 • RSD
 • Rheumatoid Arthritis
 • Sarcoidosis
 • Sickle Cell Disease
 • Skin Problems
 • Sleep Disorders
 • Swolen Legs, or Edema
 • Vision Impairment
 • Other Problems

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